When not working an acting contract, Joelle can commonly be found working gig to gig at various theatres doing various wig design and/or supervision, and even wardrobe/dressing. Joelle often upkeeps the theatrical wigs during the contract: resetting, cleaning, styling, and ensuring their integrity. Often, wig designers will even consult with Joelle's team regarding styling decisions.
Theatrical wigs can be an investment for any theatre that can range anywhere from $70/a head to upwards of thousands for a custom hand-wefted piece. Wig teams work in extension with costume and wardrobe as extra insurance regarding the integrity of the hand-made pieces during a run of a show. Any gaps in Joelle's resumé were most likely filled with an extra production, where Joelle was on the wigs' tech team.
Joelle often also assists the costume shops with tracking of expenses and pieces.